Hurricane Season AC Protection Tips
September is National Preparedness Month, and the expert team at United Refrigeration, Heating and Air is equipped to ensure your AC system stays ready to handle the peak of hurricane season in Florida. You have probably come across countless checklists for safeguarding your families and businesses, but many of those lists fail to detail the importance of AC maintenance. Here are tips focused on protecting AC systems during stormy weather.
Wind and Debris – Floridians know that the fall months can bring hurricane-force winds and dangerous weather, which could launch projectile objects and debris with the potential to damage your outdoor AC unit or block your system’s airflow. United’s technicians are trained to ensure your units are properly covered, protected, and secured with bolts, hooks, and straps when necessary. A maintenance check prior to a big storm could protect you from any future problems with your heating and air conditioning.
Water and Flooding – Water, of course, is a major hazard that could cause corrosion or wreak havoc for HVAC systems. The risk of flooding around or inside your home poses dangers to both exterior and interior systems. A small amount of water can cause significant damage, which is why it is critical to schedule an appointment if any part of your AC system has been impacted by water, leaking pipes, or flooding. In addition to finding problems and correctly fixing any issues, United’s technicians can also offer assistance in elevating units and designing platforms to raise and protect systems in high-risk areas.
Outages and Surges – Lightning strikes and power surges are two of the top concerns for Floridians. Hurricanes and tropical storms often cause widespread and long-lasting power outages. Not having power or central air in Florida will certainly cause aggravation, but an outage and power surge could also cause major harm to your AC unit, such as compressor damage. Sometimes the safest thing to do is to shut down the power to your entire AC system until the storm has passed and the electric company has properly restored power.
Scheduling a maintenance check after a major storm could also help verify if there was any damage done to your system. As a full-service residential AC repair and commercial HVAC service company, we are fully equipped to provide emergency service as well as preventative maintenance to protect you this hurricane season and throughout the year.
Our residential and commercial customers trust us to provide the stability you require for all of your heating and air conditioning needs. United Refrigeration, Heating and Air’s team has helped keep systems running efficiently for over 30 years. Call 352-629-1187 to set your next appointment for system maintenance or repair services.